The function and types of priming, primer sealing, sealing, resealing, dust laying and surface enrichment are described and defined, and factors affecting selection and design are detailed. Details are discussed of aggregates, bitumen, flux and cutter, cutback bitumen, tar, bitumen emulsion, adhesion agents, precoating materials and rubber. The factors affecting and the methods promoting adhesion of binder to aggregate are covered as well as the adhesion tests. All aspects of skid resistance are covered, and notes are provided on preparation for the work. The preparation of the surface, the primer, the binder, and the aggregate are detailed. The details are described of spraying the primer and binder and applying the aggregate. Traffic control during the work operations is also described. A standard form is illustrated which is used for assembling data and which provides a permanent record of the design. An example is also given of an instruction from giving precise details of the work to be done.
Corporate Authors:
National Association of Australian State Road Auth
309 Castlereagh Street
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - Publication Date: 1975
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: 129 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Adhesives; Aggregates; Bitumen; Bituminous materials; Construction management; Cutting tools; Data collection; Dust control; Emulsions; Fluxes; Liquid asphalt; Primers; Rubber; Sealing (Technology); Skid resistance; Sprayers; Surface treating; Tar; Traffic control
- Uncontrolled Terms: Spraying
- Old TRIS Terms: Bitumen emulsions; Bituminous surfacing; Construction operations; Cut back; Cutters; Data recording; Dust laying; Priming; Sealing
- Subject Areas: Construction; Design; Geotechnology; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Materials; Operations and Traffic Management; Pavements;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00145045
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Feb 1 1977 12:00AM