The problem considered is to locate one new facility with respect to a finite number of pairs of existing facilities on a tree graph, which typically represents a road network, so as to minimize the maximum cost, where costs are linear increasing functions of the round-trip distance a vehicle based at the new facility travels via a pair of existing facilities. Based on an attainable lower bound for the minimax problem, an algorithm is developed that yields all optimal solutions to the problem. (Author)
Supplemental Notes:
- Supersedes Rept. no. RR-74-7 dated Jun 74, AD-782 740. Availability: Pub. in Transportation Science v10 p35-51 1976.
Corporate Authors:
University of Florida, Gainesville
Gainesville, FL United States 32611 -
- Chan, A W
- Francis, R L
- Publication Date: 1974-8
Media Info
- Pagination: 18 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Algorithms; Analysis; Costs; Facilities; Graphics; Networks; Optimization; Reprints; Roads; Routing; Vehicle range; Vehicles
- Uncontrolled Terms: Cost analysis; Road networks
- Old TRIS Terms: Graphic methods; Range distance
- Subject Areas: Economics; Finance; Highways; Society; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00143608
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: ARO-11621.5-M
- Contract Numbers: DA-ARO-D-31-124-73-G
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 17 1977 12:00AM