This study assesses the impacts of the development of synthetic liquid fuels from coal and oil shale; the fuels considered are synthetic crude oils from coal and oil shale and methanol from coal. Key issues examined in detail are the technology and all of its resource requirements, net energy analyses of the technological options, a maximum credible implementation schedule, legal mechanisms for access to coal and oil shale resources, financing of a synthetic liquid fuels industry, decision making in the petroleum industry, government incentive policies, local and national economic impacts, environmental effects of strip mining, urbanization of rural areas, air pollution control, water resources and their availability, and population growth and boom town effects in previously rural areas.
Supplemental Notes:
- See also Volume 1, PB-255 994.
Corporate Authors:
Congressional Record
Superintendent of Documents
Washington, DC United States 20001Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC United States 20460 -
- Dickson, E M
- Steele, R V
- Hughes, E E
- Walton, B L
- Zink, R A
- Publication Date: 1976-7
Media Info
- Pagination: 876 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air quality management; Automobiles; Coal; Coal liquefaction; Cost estimating; Crude oil; Demand; Economic analysis; Economic impacts; Economics; Energy; Energy resources; Environmental impacts; Equipment; Estimates; Financing; Laws; Liquid fuels; Methanol; Oil shales; Policy; Production; Rural areas; Shale oil; Strip mining; Supply; Synthetic crude; Synthetic fuels; Trend (Statistics); Water resources
- Old TRIS Terms: Energy demand; Government policies; Supply economics; Water supply
- Subject Areas: Economics; Energy; Environment; Geotechnology; Highways; Law; Materials; Policy; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00143354
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: SRI-EGU-3505-Vol-2 Final Rpt., EPA/600/7-76/004B
- Contract Numbers: EPA-68-03-2016
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 17 1977 12:00AM