A special study containing fifteen papers given at a safety seminar in London during October 1976. The papers cover (1) the conflicting roles of IMCO (2) flags of convenience and safety (3) ineffective barriers to substandard ships (4) the role of the insurance underwriter (5) manning and the numbers debate (6) technology and the safety factor (7) the inadequacy of emergency alerting systems (8) explosion research (9) inert gas system (10) controlled atmospheres and safe operation (11) crude washing safety and economics (12) the burden of pollution prevention measures (13) the cost of cleaning up after a spill (14) hazardous cargo safety and (15) the increased burden on the ports to establish safer handling procedures for dangerous cargoes.
Supplemental Notes:
- This Study is free to all Seatrade Subscribers.
Corporate Authors:
Seatrade Publications Limited
Fairfax House
Colchester CO1 1RJ, Essex, England - Publication Date: 1976-10
Media Info
- Pagination: 48 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cleaning; Distress alerting systems; Flags of convenience; Hazardous materials; Insurance rates; Marine safety; Noble gases; Oil spill cleanup; Oil spills; Petroleum refining; Pollution control; Port operations; Prevention; Safety; Storage tanks; Tankers; Transportation; Water quality management
- Uncontrolled Terms: Inert gas systems
- Old TRIS Terms: Crude washing; Hazardous materials transportation; Oil spill prevention; Tank cleaning; Tanker safety; Water pollution prevention
- Subject Areas: Maintenance and Preservation; Safety and Human Factors; Transportation (General);
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00142616
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Seatrade Publications Limited
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Dec 15 1976 12:00AM