The intermediate results are reviewed of the study to assess technical, economic, environmental, and sociopolitical issues associated with future intercity transportation system options; the issues and impacts related to such alternatives are debated. The availability of funds is discussed and it is recognized that although capital may be scarce, there is a need to continue transportation research and technology development. Automobiles will continue as a dominant intercity mode. Numerous positive impacts were cited for intercity buses. Incremental improvement is foreseen for air service, and diverse views are expressed on the future prospects and impacts of intercity rail service. The propsects of electric highway technology appear to be dependent on the rate of development and eventual price of nuclear power generation; battery-powered automobiles for intercity travel are not likely because of range limitations. It was felt that improvements in access and terminals can lead to substantially better intercity transportation service and the view was expressed that better consumer information would enable travelers to use present and future intercity modes more effectively. Labor considerations were discussed, particularly the basic concern related to labor productivity: changes in work ethic may cause decrease in future productivity. Differing viewpoints were expressed on government roles in intercity transportation.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Prepared by a technology assessment team (Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company; California University, Berkeley; Stanford University; Gellman Research Associates, Incorporated; and Science Applications, Incorporated) for DOT and NASA. See also Volume 1, N76-24075, RRIS 23 138130; Bulletin 7802.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Department of Transportation

    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  United States  20590
  • Publication Date: 1976-3

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 145 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00142235
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Contract Numbers: NAS2-8730
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Nov 23 1978 12:00AM