This study was concerned with one solution to the problem of deterioration of bridge decks due to corrosion of reinforcing steel caused by chloride from deicing salts. Flushing of salts by application of water to the underside of the concrete and electrochemical removal of the chlorides were investigated. Flushing was found to be ineffective and work on it was abandoned early. However, the electrochemical removal technique showed promise of success first in the laboratory and later in a small scale field trial. In the latter chloride present at the level of the top rebar mat was reduced to below the concentration that is known to cause corrosion in 24 hours of treatment, and active corrosion of the steel that was going on was completely stopped. /Author/
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- Sponsored by Federal Highway Administraiton.
Corporate Authors:
Battelle Columbus Laboratories
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH United States 43201 -
- Lankard, D R
- Slater, J E
- Hedden, W A
- Niesz, D E
- Publication Date: 1975-9
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Pagination: 143 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bridge decks; Chlorides; Concrete; Corrosion; Deicing chemicals; Deterioration; Electrochemistry; Flushing; Material reinforcement; Reinforcing bars
- Uncontrolled Terms: Rebars
- Old TRIS Terms: Neutralizing
- Subject Areas: Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00141884
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA-RD-76- 60 Final Rpt., FCP 34B 1-262
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FH-11-8133
- Created Date: Jun 22 1977 12:00AM