Accident statistics indicate that more than fifty percent of all urban traffic fatalities since 1957 involved pedestrians. Clearly, there is an much need to concern ourselves with the safety of pedestrians as with the safety of vehicle operators. Significant factors identified as part of the pedestrian problem are delineated and the importance of enforcing existing regulations is explained. The most frequently used legal terms relating to pedestrian safety are defined. Laws pertaining to pedestrian movements, taken from the uniform vehicle code, are presented, including pedestrian rights and duties, pedestrian obedience to traffic control signals, and drivers' duties toward pedestrians. Considerations involved in enforcing such laws are analyzed with regard to such special aspects as weather conditions, visibility, the young pedestrian, the senior citizen, intoxicated individuals, hitchhiking, pedestrian tunnels and overpasses, and dangerous actions by drivers. Traffic safety planners will find this document valuable in establishing pedestrian safety programs. /SNI/
Corporate Authors:
Northwestern University, Evanston
Traffic Institute, 405 Church Street
Evanston, IL United States 60208 - Publication Date: 1972
Media Info
- Pagination: 20 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crash rates; Fatalities; Pedestrian safety; Pedestrian tunnels; Pedestrian vehicle crashes; Traffic law enforcement
- Old TRIS Terms: Pedestrian protection
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00141752
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Criminal Justice Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: Report 2153
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 4 1977 12:00AM