This paper describes some of the results of an extensive research and development program carried out to demonstrate that engines can be developed to meet all but the most restrictive exhaust emission standards while permitting the use of leaded fuels and the return to higher compression ratios. This combination gives maximum mileage from a barrel of crude oil. It is believed that such engines are probably the most cost-effective, emission-controlled engines so far developed. These engines, which use a special turbulent flow system (tfs) designed to provide excellent air-fuel mixture preparation and distribution, run at air-fuel ratios leaner than stoichiometric with excellent driveability and fuel economy. Standard carburetors are used after adjustment for the desired lean air-fuel ratios. The tfs has been applied to engines ranging in size from 1.8 to 5.9 litres with uniformly good results. Durability is excellent and deterioration of emissions control during mileage accumulation is low. It has promise of being a life-of-the-car control system. Particulate traps are described that reduce exhausted lead by 65-75%, require no maintenance, and do not change in back pressure as mileage accumulates. When combined with exhaust emission control technology, the result is economical vehicles that can reach adequately low levels of gaseous emissions and, if desired, emit only a small amount of lead. /TRRL/
Supplemental Notes:
- Sixteenth International Automobile Technical Congress.
Corporate Authors:
International Federation of Auto Techniques Engs
3 Avenue du President Wilson
F 75116 Paris, France -
- Adams, W E
- Gibson, H J
- Publication Date: 0
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 1
- Publication of: International Federation of Auto Techniques Engs
- Issue Number: 0
- Publisher: International Federation of Auto Techniques Engs
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air; Air quality management; Carburetors; Conferences; Cost effectiveness; Costs; Crude oil; Economic efficiency; Energy; Exhaust gases; Flow; Fuel air mixtures; Fuel consumption; Fuels; Lead (Metal); Motors; Specifications; Stoichiometry; Turbulence; Vehicle power plants
- Candidate Terms: Turbulent flow
- Uncontrolled Terms: Air fuel ratio; Mileage; Modifications
- Old TRIS Terms: Automobile engines; Exhaust emission control
- ITRD Terms: 6714: Air; 1373: Carburettor; 8525: Conference; 224: Cost; 237: Economic efficiency; 2442: Emission; 3850: Fuel; 7138: Lead (metal); 9048: Modification; 1334: Motor; 187: Specification (standard)
- Subject Areas: Economics; Energy; Finance; Highways; Safety and Human Factors; Vehicles and Equipment; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00163324
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
- Report/Paper Numbers: Analytic
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 7 1978 12:00AM