In an attempt to assess the temporal stability of one type of person trip generation model (the category analysis model with the individual as the behavioural unit), some comparative studies based on the Reading travel surveys of 1962 and 1971 are described. Categories are defined with respect to a subset of the variables employment status, socio-economic group, household structure, car availability and household car ownership and particular attention is given to optional trips made by persons in certain employment status groups notably housewives and retired persons. Differences in trip rates between the two years are tested for statistical significance. In an introductory section the critical nature of assumptions concerning the stability of trip generation models which are to be used in situations where changes in mobility levels in the population are anticipated is emphasised. Following this the specification of the tested models is presented and the data sources are described, with particular attention to the synthesis of car availability data. It is tentatively concluded that the trip rates of certain groups in the population are susceptible to variation in response to changes in the level of accessibility. /TRRL/
Corporate Authors:
Pergamon Press, Incorporated
Maxwell House, Fairview Park
Elmsford, NY United States 10523 -
- Doubleday, C
- Publication Date: 1977-8
- English
Media Info
- Features: References; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 255-263
- Transportation Research /UK/
- Volume: 11
- Issue Number: 4
- Publisher: Pergamon Press, Incorporated
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Construction management; Economic factors; Employment; Households; Mathematical models; Mobility; Motor vehicles; Ownership; Population; Socioeconomic factors; Stability (Mechanics); Statistical analysis; Time; Travel; Trip generation; Troughs (Geology)
- Uncontrolled Terms: Models
- Old TRIS Terms: Economic considerations; Stakeout /construction/; Troughs
- ITRD Terms: 663: Generated traffic; 309: Household; 698: Journey; 696: Journey purpose; 6473: Mathematical model; 9105: Mobility (pers); 335: Population; 5930: Stability; 5414: Time; 315: Vehicle ownership
- Subject Areas: Construction; Data and Information Technology; Economics; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Society; I71: Traffic Theory;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00168119
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Jun 28 1978 12:00AM