The Shcherbinka rail test loop, completed in 1932, includes a 6-km (3.7 mile) outer ring with a perfectly circular and perfectly level track of 965-m (3136 ft.) radius that provides absolutely uniform resitance for locomotive testing. Today, the test loop also includes two slightly shorter inner rings that have tangent inserts and grades to make possible other types of tests. The test center also includes a laboratory with a wheel-rail rig that permits testing of the dynamics of an individual wheel set and another that makes possible per-wheel weighing of rolling stock. In all there are a couple of dozen specialized laboratories in the test track area where investigations precede or supplement the running tests carried out on the closed loops. Among these installations is one for electric rolling stock, not only components, but also complete new locomotives and cars may be appraised. Thyristors and diodes for traction circuits, commutatorless traction motors, and electrical coupling of the axles of ac locomotives have all been investigated. A related facility works on catenary and pantograph problems, checking wear of contact wires, effectiveness of insulators, and methods of minimizing oscillations in the overhead system. The railroads of Russia are among the only ones on which freight operations correspond closely with those conducted in North America in terms of distances, train speeds, axle loadings and train weights. Shcherbinka has a major role in developing the design and maintenance standards that become mandatory for the 26 regional railway administrations. The regional groups must then do the maintenance and run the trains that handle more than 60 percent of all Russia's freight movement.
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Corporate Authors:
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC United States 20001 -
- Houser, F N
- Publication Date: 1977-12
Media Info
- Features: Photos;
- Pagination: p. 2-4
- Transportation Research News
- Issue Number: 73
- Publisher: Transportation Research Board
- ISSN: 0738-6826
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Axle load force; Catenaries (Railroads); Dynamic tests; Feedback control; Laboratory tests; Loops (Control systems); Oscillation; Railroad simulators; Railroads; Rolling contact; Speed; Test facilities; Test tracks; Train track dynamics; Weight
- Geographic Terms: Former Soviet Union
- Subject Areas: Highways; Railroads; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00168057
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS, TRB
- Created Date: Jan 30 1978 12:00AM