Three programs to reduce highway lighting and conserve energy have been initiated in Oregon, Washington, and Arizona. Temporary emergency elimination of lighting on the entire Oregon State Highway System exludes those sections of the highway with an average daily traffic of 40,000 or more, locations where pedestrian traffic exists, and special traffic conditions that result in operational problems. It is estimated that the new lights-out program in Oregon will save an additional 1,032,863 kilowatt hours during the 180-day period. In Washington, a similar program is being initiated. The program of reduced roadway and highway facilities lighting has thus far brought a 27% reduction in energy use throughout the state. Lighting in selected high traffic areas and complex interchanges will remain on to maintain the best possible safety conditions. As an additional safety measure, the Washington State Highway Department will also incur highway paint stripping and use of reflective paint. In Arizona, a program to change the mercury-vapor lamps to high pressure sodium lamps is almost completed. To conserve energy during the recent fuel crisis all freeway lights were blacked out except the sodium vapor types which use 50% less electricity.

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  • Accession Number: 00167465
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Feb 16 1978 12:00AM