Forecasts are made in traffic planning in order to predict the effects of planned or proposed measures. The models used in these forecasts attempt to describe more or less realistically the real world situation. The objective of this research project has been to contribute to the development of models that more accurately describe the real world situation than previous ones, and that better describe the individuals behaviour when confronted with choice. The report deals with car-owners and their destination and modal choice in shopping trips. A "logit model" has been used which enables the simultaneous study of the choice between several different alternatives. The models obtained describe, explain and predict individual behaviour when confronted with different choice factors. As a result they can be used to calculate the effect of different traffic policy measures as well as the effect of different retail structures. /TRRL/
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Corporate Authors:
Swedish Council for Building Research
St Goergansgatan 66, Box 27063
S-11230 Stockholm, Sweden -
- Berglund, C O
- Tegner, G
- Publication Date: 1977
- Swedish
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Photos; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 134 p.
- Publication of: Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited
- Publisher: Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited
- ISSN: 0954-4070
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automobiles; Choice models; Consumer behavior; Consumer preferences; Forecasting; Highway planning; Human factors; Mathematical models; Mode choice; Motor vehicles; Ownership; Shopping centers; Traffic; Transportation modes; Transportation policy; Travel
- Uncontrolled Terms: Models
- Old TRIS Terms: Modal selection; Substitution; Traffic planning
- ITRD Terms: 1243: Car; 132: Forecast; 698: Journey; 6473: Mathematical model; 9072: Selection; 320: Shopping centre; 1145: Transport mode; 315: Vehicle ownership
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; Safety and Human Factors; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00165624
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
- Report/Paper Numbers: Rpt. R8:1977 Monograph
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Jun 14 1978 12:00AM