A soil air probe is developed and tested on three soil types. Air permeability and probe air flow rates are measured on disturbed soil cores at various bulk densities and moisture contents. Results indicate the probe could be used to measure air porosity and also air permeability if the moisture content and bulk density of the soil were known.
Supplemental Notes:
- Paper for ASAE Winter Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 14-17, 1976.
Corporate Authors:
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
2950 Niles Road, P.O. Box 410
St Joseph, MI United States 49085 -
- Kunnemann, D
- Wittmuss, H
- Publication Date: 1976-12
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: 16 p.
- ASAE Transactions
- Publisher: American Society of Agricultural Engineers
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air; Bulk density; Flow; Measurement; Moisture content; Moisture meters; Permeability; Porosity; Probes (Measuring devices); Soil structure; Soils
- Uncontrolled Terms: Air flow
- Old TRIS Terms: Air permeability; Moisture determination; Permeameters, mechanical permeability; Probes
- Subject Areas: Geotechnology; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00165165
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Engineering Index
- Report/Paper Numbers: ASAE Paper 76-1515 Conf Paper
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Dec 27 1977 12:00AM