Patterns of present-day automation in photogrammetry are examined in seven broad categories: stereoplotter-computer interface; automatic image correlation; offline orthophoto systems; automated image processing; digital terrain data for engineering; ancillary photogrammetric operations; and nondigital automation. Future objectives of surveying and mapping; land data records computerized in a universal coordinate system; a new unified World datum ellipsoid; widespread use of image maps and thermatic maps; a central bank of digitized cartographic information. Predicted components of a future surveying and mapping system are: position determination by use of Earth satellites; position and elevation determination by use of an inertial package in a moving vehicle; imaging systems using multispectral scanners and soild-state sensors; automated production of orthophotos, contours, and digital terrain data; automated map-finishing operations; and powerful computer techniques for complex computations and data handling. /ASCE/

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00164896
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: ASCE 13206
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 23 1977 12:00AM