Based upon recent information of its members, and the reports of the Technical Committee on Slipperiness and Evenness for the World Road Congress in Prague (1971) and Mexico (1975) the state of the art in member countries has been given. A comparison of recommendations and specifications relating to the skid resistance properties of new and existing pavements is made. A growing awareness of the need for standards for new and existing pavements is established. For new pavements specifications dealing with materials are of great importance, in particular the polished stone value. The importance of systematic investigations of skid resistance of road networks is underlined, information on the practical approach in some countries and specifications of equipment is given. An overview of compositions and construction methods for both bituminous and cement concrete pavements with sufficient skid prevention properties is given. An economic choice out of the numerous techniques available for achieving sufficient skid resistance should be made with special regard to the possibility of the use of local materials, workmanship of contractors and experience of the highway engineer. For existing pavements techniques are described to restore the skidding properties. From the problems in skid prevention the item rolling noise has been selected as a compromise between skid resistance, thus safety, and noise generation, thus environment, has to be found. In conclusion can be derived that from research and experience, techniques have been made available generally, to offer pavements to the road user with an adequate skid resistance. In education and permanent formation this knowledge should be implemented. At the same time an economic evaluation of skid resistant road surfaces is obvious. Special problems as rolling noise, tolerable water layer thickness and its relation with road geometry need attention in future. /Author/

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: pp 1-25
  • Monograph Title: Skidding Accidents: Pavement Characteristics. Proceedings of a Conference Conducted by the Transportation Research Board, May 2-6, 1977
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00163879
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 309025753
  • Report/Paper Numbers: HS-021 439
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Oct 13 1977 12:00AM