Tests are suggested for field control which are designed to ascertain the relative amounts of reactive lime after mixing and prior to soil compaction. The methods discussed involve end points, the plastic limit leveling off, and the pH increasing towards that of free lime with increasing precentages of lime. The Eades method for determination of a lime retention point involves preparing a series of soil-water suspensions with successively higher proportions of hydrated lime. The use of phenolphthalein pH indicator with soil suspensions is described. A plastic bottle of about one liter capacity equipped with a pump-type spray is used in the field. Such techniques are used in the resolution of questions regarding the minimum levels of lime treatment required for stabiization. The phenolpthalein indicator test is also used to detect a lime deficiency during mixing, compaction, or at any other time until the cure membrane is applied to the lime-treated layer. Mention is made also of the clarification of suspensions. Observations using the dirty palm test are useful where it is not possible to use either indicator or Sedimentation. The use of these field tests will determine whether or not a soil is reactive to lime, which is valuable information in predesign sampling, development of design studies and economic evaluations.

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  • Accession Number: 00163685
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 7 1978 12:00AM