The benefits are described of the Stone Filled Mix which allows lower asphalt content because of adjustments to the gradations. The increased amounts of stone in the mix, improves 3 items of condition and performance: lowers the asphalt content demand; decreases lateral displacement under the roller; and remarkable improvement in support strength for batch truck traffic during construction. The Mix has been used as a base and levelling course with a chat aggregate asphaltic surface course used to reduce skid resistance and prolong wear. In a project in which Stone Filled Mix was used as a base mix, it contained 87 percent limestone and 13 percent sand. Production and laydown of the mix was no different than conventional mix.
Corporate Authors:
Mid-Wet Records, Incorporated
P.O. Box 766, 2537n Madison Avenue
Kansas City, MO United States 64141 - Publication Date: 1977-1-26
Media Info
- Features: Photos; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 10-12
- Mid-West Contractor
- Volume: 140
- Issue Number: 3671
- Publisher: Mid-West Records, Incorporated
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Asphalt content; Asphalt pavements; Base course (Pavements); Bituminous mixtures; Full-depth asphalt pavements; Leveling; Limestone; Pavement performance; Sand; Skid resistance; Traffic
- Uncontrolled Terms: Asphalt grading
- Old TRIS Terms: Lateral movement; Leveling course
- Subject Areas: Highways; Materials; Operations and Traffic Management;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00163683
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 7 1978 12:00AM