This report describes exhaust emissions from six heavy duty gasoline powered vehicles. Emission tests were performed on chassis-dynamometer under the six mode cycle, four kinds of driving cycles with different average vehicle speeds and several kinds of operating conditions of cruising, acceleration and deceleration. Cvs was used to measure mass emission over the driving cycle and a direct sampling method was applied in the other emission tests. Test data on carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and oxides of nitrogen are given and analyzed to average exhaust concentration, mass emission, mass emission rate and emission factor. Exhaust emission concentrations on cruising, acceleration and deceleration were of a similar level to passenger cars, however, exhaust volume and mass emission were considerably higher than passenger cars. Mass emission in grams per kilometer tends to reduce with the increase of average vehicle speed. Emission factor in grams per fuel-litre and mass emission rate in grams per ps-hour or grams per ton-kilometer are relative to average exhaust concentration. /Author/TRRL/
Corporate Authors:
Ministry of Transport, Japan
Traffic Safety and Nuisance Research Institute
Tokyo, JapanTraffic Safety & Nuisance Research Inst, Japan
Ministry of Transport
Tokyo, ZZ Jpan -
- Yoshida, K
- Koike, N
- Ogura, K
- Publication Date: 1975-3
- Japanese
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 221-231
- Report of Traffic Safety & Nuisance Research Inst
- Volume: 50
- Issue Number: 3
- Publisher: Ministry of Transport, Japan
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Acceleration (Mechanics); Carbon monoxide; Concentration (Chemistry); Deceleration; Exhaust gases; Gasoline engines; Heavy vehicles; Hydrocarbons; Measurement; Nitric oxide; Nitrogen; Nitrogen oxides; Oxides; Speed
- Uncontrolled Terms: Concentration
- ITRD Terms: 5405: Acceleration; 7391: Carbon monoxide; 5416: Deceleration; 2442: Emission; 7367: Hydrocarbon; 1078: Lock (waterway); 6136: Measurement; 7128: Nitrogen; 7372: Oxide; 5408: Speed
- Subject Areas: Highways; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00163139
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
- Report/Paper Numbers: Analytic
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 14 1978 12:00AM