Part 1 of the Study is primarily designed as an introduction to the seaborne coal trade and, as such, discussion is focussed upon the main characteristics of the coal market, with specific reference to seaborne trade movements. This is followed, in Part 2, by a much more detailed analysis of the supply of hard coal. The existing production, seaborne exports and future development plans of both the traditional and more recent suppliers are identified and discussed. This part of the Study provides the basis for an analysis of the pattern of seaborne hard coal movements which forms the subject of Part 3. Included within Part 3 are detailed matrices on the international seaborne hard coal trade for the years 1973, 1974 and 1975. The major importing regions, and their role in the existing pattern of trade are also examined. The likely future import requirements of these regions are estimated in Part 4, which includes forecasts of demand for seaborne hard coal for 1980 and 1985. Within Part 4 particular emphasis is placed upon the import requirements of both Japan and the EEC.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Drewry (HP) (Shipping Consultants) Limited

    Research Division, 24 Brook Street
    London W1Y 2LL,   England 
  • Publication Date: 0

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00168239
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Drewry (HP) (Shipping Consultants) Limited
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Study No. 56
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 30 1978 12:00AM