HRIS Abstracts is published quarterly during the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter of the year. Each issue contains from 800 to 1100 abstracts of journal articles, technical papers in conference proceedings and research reports; and announcements of bibliographies. The subject content of the published works cited by the abstracts pertain to highways and highway transport; to rural and urban non-rail transit; and to urban transportation planning. Topics included in each issue range from planning, financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance to energy, environment, safety, and human factors. In addition to abstracts each of the 200 to 300 page issues contain indexes to the abstracts by retrieval subject terms, personal authors and publication sources. The Winter issue contains cumulative indexes to the four issues of abstracts that comprise an annual volume. The abstracts in each issue are arranged according to the HRIS classification scheme of 30 subject areas. The annual subscription price of HRIS Abstracts for 1985 was $63.00. Selection are made from more than 400 periodicals. Coverage of the transportation literature is world wide. All of the abstracts published in HRIS Abstracts are in the English language, however the source document for the abstract is usually written in the language of the country of origin. Each issue contains availability information for acquisition of full text documents including addresses of document delivery centers, publishers and publications. Individual issues of each volume could be purchased for $18.00. Additional information about HRIS can be obtained buy writing to HRIS at the address given above.

Media Info

  • Pagination: 200-300 pp
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00170001
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Quarterly
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Oct 29 1981 12:00AM