This report describes a computer program, SLAM, which uses ship slamming-impact forces and structural parameters of the hull to calculate the vertical hull-girder vibratory response in terms of displacements, accelerations, bending moments, shear forces, and stresses. The normal mode method is used so that the user can calculate only the modes of interest and can eliminate the rigid body and higher modes. Modal responses are calculated with a time-marching technique. The program uses a finite-element model of a beam which is suitable for conventional monohulls. Modifications to accommodate other model configurations can be made. Test problems show good agreement with exact solutions for a uniform Euler beam. Sample calculations are made on a MARINER-Class hull using 3 modes and again using 10 modes. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
David Taylor Naval Ship R&D Center
Bethesda, MD United States 20084 -
- Antonides, G P
- Publication Date: 1975-7
Media Info
- Pagination: 46 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Beams; Bending moments; Computer programs; Equations of motion; Finite element method; Flow charts; Girders; Hulls; Orthogonality; Resonance frequency; Set forward force; Shear stress; Ship motion; Shock (Mechanics); Simulation; Slamming; Structural analysis; Structural mechanics; Subroutines; Vibration
- Uncontrolled Terms: Ship hulls; Structural response
- Old TRIS Terms: Beams (Structural); Flow charting; Hull bending moments; Hull response; Hull shear stress; Hull vibration; Impact shock; Ship response; System test vessels
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00169424
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: DTNSRDC-4480
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 14 1978 12:00AM