Integrated injection logic is a relatively new integrated circuit technology which shows great promise for LSI applications. Although it is slow compared to other bipolar logic families, it has the lowest power-delay product of any technology, high packing density, and simple processing in certain versions. It has the capability of providing both analog and digital circuits on one chip. It is extremely flexible in that it can be tailored to meet diverse requirements such as LED drivers and low-current watch circuits. This report includes details of processing, theoretical and experimental characteristics, applications, and commercial activities. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Rome Air Development Center
Griffiss AFB, NY United States -
- Tao, T
- Pierret, R
- Publication Date: 1977-8
Media Info
- Pagination: 228 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Computer chips; Digital computers; Integrated circuits; Logic circuits; Memory devices; Microcomputers; Research; Transistors
- Old TRIS Terms: Chips electronics
- Subject Areas: Research;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00168959
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: FAA/RD-77/137
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FA72WAI-241
- Files: NTIS
- Created Date: Jan 30 2002 12:00AM