The performance of track structures depends greatly on the integrity of the connections between rail sections. Because the majority of service and detected rail failures occur at joints, particularly conventional bolted joints, this survey was conducted to review existing practices, examine potential joining methods, and identify promising new methods and modifications of joining methods that can provide improved rail performance and lower fabrication cost. Methods for joining rails in the field as well as in plants by both metallurgical methods (welding and brazing processes) and nonmetallurgical methods (mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding) are reviewed. Joining procedures, inspection methods, laboratory and in-track performance, failure modes, adaptability to shop and field fabrication, personnel skills required, and costs are discussed. Joining methods that warrant additional development are identified and developmental efforts are outlined.
- Record URL:
Corporate Authors:
Battelle Columbus Laboratories
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH United States 43201Transportation Systems Center
55 Broadway, Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA United States 02142Federal Railroad Administration
Office of Research and Development, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590Department of Defense
Defense Supply Agency
Washington, DC United States 20301 -
- Hauser, D
- Publication Date: 1977-7
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Pagination: 164 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Adhesion; Adhesives; Bolted joints; Bolting; Bolts; Brazing; Butt welds; Development; Electric arc welding; Electron beam welding; Inspection; Joining; Jointed track; Joints; Lasers; Performance; Rail joints; Railroad rails; Railroad tracks; Research; Surveys; Thermit welding; Train track dynamics; Welding; Welds
- Uncontrolled Terms: Research and development; Welded joints
- Old TRIS Terms: Bonded joints; Flash welding; Friction welding; Gas welding; Laser welding; Pressure welding; Rail welding; Track inspection; Track response investigations; Track structures
- Subject Areas: Railroads; Research;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00167282
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: DOT-TSC-FRA-77-7 Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: DSA900-74-C-0616
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Nov 23 1978 12:00AM