In the fall of 1975 post-mortem static and dynamic tests were conducted on a reinforced twin concrete beam section of the Kansas Test Track (KTT) near El Dorado, Kansas. These tests were part of an extensive program undertaken by the Federal Railroad Administration to gain insight into the mechanisms of the rapid deterioration of that test facility. The data from the static and dynamic tests were used to validate a dynamic track structure model of the KTT beam sections. This report presents a summary of the validation process and the subsequent use of the model as an analytical tool for parameter studies. These studies assist in the investigation of the nature of the KTT beam performance, give insight into the behavior of beam and slab track structures, and provide the technical background for evaluation of future non-conventional track structure designs.
Corporate Authors:
Mitre Corporation
Westgate Research Park
McLean, VA United States 22101Federal Railroad Administration
Office of Research and Development, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Anderes, J R
- Publication Date: 1977-6
Media Info
- Pagination: 85 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Ballast (Railroads); Beams; Concrete; Concrete slab track; Deformation; Design; Deterioration; Dynamic loads; Dynamic structural analysis; Embankments; Equations of motion; Expansion joints; Foundations; Loads; Mathematical models; Precast concrete; Railroad tracks; Railroads; Reinforced concrete; Slabs; Stiffness; Subgrade (Pavements); Test tracks; Testing; Unconventional track
- Uncontrolled Terms: Concrete beams; Dynamic response; Rigid foundations
- Old TRIS Terms: Beams (Support); Control joints; Kansas test track; Track deterioration; Track structures
- Subject Areas: Design; Railroads;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00167111
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: MTR-7502 Final Rpt., FRA/ORD-77/31
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FR-54090
- Created Date: Nov 9 1977 12:00AM