Crack propagation and arrest in impacted, edge-cracked, tension plates composed of Homalite-100 sheets were studied by dynamic photoelasticity. Dynamic stress intensity factors, crack velocities and dynamic stress concentrations at the arresting hole were determined and compared with corresponding static values which were computed by the method of finite element analysis. Significant influence of the reflected stress waves generated by the impact was noticed in this investigation. The otherwise stable crack appeared to run intermittently when the dynamic stress intensity factor exceeded the static fracture toughness of the material. The static stress field surrounding the arresting hole appeared relatively ineffective in influencing the path of crack propagation. Conclusions reached in this investigation are similar to those published previously except for the more pronounced stress wave effects in this series of experiments.
Corporate Authors:
University of Washington, Seattle
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Seattle, WA United States 98105 -
- Kobayashi, A S
- Wade, B G
- Publication Date: 1972-7
Media Info
- Pagination: 10 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cracking; Finite element method; Fracture mechanics
- Uncontrolled Terms: Crack propagation
- Old TRIS Terms: Crack arrest
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00037103
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Ship Structure Committee
- Report/Paper Numbers: No. 14 Tech Rpt
- Contract Numbers: N00014-67-A-01030018
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 10 1972 12:00AM