Development and design of several innovative prefabricated superstructural systems for short span (less than 75 feet) highway bridges, including the current state-of-the-art of construction, have been presented. These include cold-formed steel box girder, composite cold-formed steel box girder, prestressed T-box gireder, waffle slab, space truss and rigid frame (flat arch) systems, etc. For each new system described herein, a feasibility study has been carried out with the aid of several highway departments and the industry personnel. It is concluded that the aforementioned bridge superstructures are efficient, economical, functional, rapidly erectable, durable, and have high potential for industrialization and systemization. Based on the factors described above, a numerial rating scheme has been developed to evaluate the relative superiority of one bridge system over the other, and recommendations have been made accordingly, It is found that a superstructure formed from a stiffened plate supported over steel stringers is superior to several other systems considered herein. Prefabricated cold-formed box girder, prestressed concrete T-box girder, rigid frame (flat arch) bridge, and waffle slab systems are very efficient and economical systems that merit implementation as "demonstration" projects. For temporary and secondary road-bridges, superstructures built from treated timber steel stringers are found to be more economical that others.
Supplemental Notes:
- Prepared in Cooperation with West Virginia Department of Highways and DOT, Federal, Highway Administration for presentation at ASCE Spring Convention, Dallas, Texas.
Corporate Authors:
West Virginia University, Morgantown
Joint Highway Research Project
Morgantown, WV United States 26505 -
- GangaRao, H V S
- Taly, N B
- Publication Date: 1977-4-25
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; References;
- Pagination: 30 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Box girders; Bridge decks; Bridge design; Bridge superstructures; Bridges; Composite structures; Feasibility analysis; Highway bridges; Prestressed concrete; Stiffness; Stringers; Structural design; Superstructures
- Uncontrolled Terms: Bridge spans
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00165806
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Dec 27 1977 12:00AM