This report is an assessment of the transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The assessment was requiested by the Senate National Ocean Policy Study for use in consideration of major new projects for the importation of natural gas, and of the competing alternatives for transporting natural gas from Alaska through Alaska only and thence via LNG tankers to the lower 48 States. This report is divided into three parts: Chapter I presents a factual description of the LNG systems and facilities and the Federal regulatory process governing the development and operation of such systms. Chapter II presents a critical review of key portions of the LNG system where technological or political problems may occur. Chapter III outlines the kinds of actions desired by interested parties. The report identifies nine areas which may be of concern to the Congress as it considers possible new legislation, oversees Federal agencies, and appropriates funds for agency operations and research. The areas of neartern concern are: the design and construction of LNG tankers, the regualtion and inspection of LNG tankers and their operation, the regulation and inspection of LNG terminals and their operation, the Federal decision-making process in the certification of LNG import projects, and the status of current research on LNG and the need for further inquiry. The reas of longer range interest are : regulations and criteria for the siting of LNG facilities, liability for LNG accidents, reliability of foregin suppliers of LNG, and policies for pricing LNG.
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- Also available from NTIS, PB-273486/1ST.
Corporate Authors:
United States Congress
Office of Technology Assessment
Washington, DC United States 20510 - Publication Date: 1977-9
Media Info
- Pagination: 101 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Freight transportation; Imports; Liquefied gases; Liquefied natural gas; LNG terminals; Policy; Regulations; Safety; Shipboard personnel; Tankers; Training
- Old TRIS Terms: Lng crew training; Lng imports; Lng regulations; Lng tank construction; Lng transportation
- Subject Areas: Education and Training; Freight Transportation; Law; Marine Transportation; Policy; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00165438
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: United States Congress
- Files: NTL, TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 23 1977 12:00AM