The following papers are presented: Urban water management considerations and techniques, D. Griffin; Legal problems with increased runoff through land development, A.R. Pagan; The national weather service program in urban stormwater management W.L. Joren, K.R. Jones; The dam problem of urban hydrology, J. Smiley, C.T. Haan; Flood frequency studies on ungaged urban watersheds using remotely sensed data, T.J. Jackson, R.M. Ragan, R.P. Shubinski; Water management general-Reporters comments, D.E. Overton; Response to reporters comments, E.V. Diniz; Evaluation procedure for major urban drainage and flood control projects, L.H. Botham, L. Rice, N.S. Grigg; Roof retention of rainfall to limit urban runoff, F.J. Respond; Quantifying the effects of porous pavements on urban runoff, E.V. Diniz; Overflow abatement alternatives selected by combining continuous and single event simulations, W.F. Geiger, S.A. LaBella, G.C. McDonal; Estimation of the above-ground runoff hydrograph for storm sewer design purposes, P.R. Helliwell, C.H.R. Kidd, M.J. Lowing; Urban sediment control and steam morphology, C. Hannum; Diminution ratios for planning construction-area sediment controls, H.P. Guy; Stream-channel morphology (Reporters comments), L. A. Brown; Response to reporters comments, H.L. Fox; Channel alternation in an urbanizing watershed: A case history in Maryland, H.L. Fox; The effects of urbanization on stream channel morphology, A.M. Robinson; Sedimentation, General (Reporters comments), G.R. Foster; Response to reporters comments, C.Y. Kuo; Response to reporters comments, D.C. Curtis; Sediment routing in an in-stream settling basin, C.Y. Kuo; A deterministic urban storm water and sedigment discharge model, D.C. Curtis; Sedimentation from an established urban watershed, H.S. Peary; Land disturbance and urban sediment control in Australia, J.D. Lawson, I.C. 1O'Niell; Urban hydrologic models--Development and Verification, C. Hannum; Penn State runoff model for the analysis if timings of subwatershed resonse to storms; D.F. Strahl; Response to reporters comments, G.D. Cole, J.W. Shutt; Response to reporters comments, W.C. Mills, W.M. Snyder, T.K. Woody, R.B. Slack, J.D. Dean; SWMM as a predictive model for runoff, G.D. Cole, J.W. Shult; Santa Clara Valley water district urban hydrology use of the Corps of engineers flood hydrograph package HEC-1 as apredictive model, A.D. Saah, E. Watson; Use of a piecewise linear model with spatial structure and input for evaluating agriculatural to urban hydrologic impact, W.C. Mills, W.M. Snyder, T.K. Woody, R.B. Slack, J.D. Dean; Selection of a design storm for use with simulation models, C. Abraham, T.C. lyons, K.W. Schulz; Comparison of the predictive accuracy of models of urban flow and water quality processes, M.E. Jennings, H.C. Mattraw; Urban hydrologic modles Case studies, R. Kuffsey; A case study: Green trails development, Lisle, Illinois, R.W. Lindley; Ralston Creek flooding induced by South branch urbanization, T.E. Croley II, J.R. Barnard; Urban flooding response to land use change, W.M.Fitch, J.P. Hartigan, M.L. Iwanski; Real time control of storage in a combined sewersystem, B.H. Bradford; analysis of flows from a semi-arid urban watershed in Lubbock, Texas, R.H. Ramsey III, R.M. Gibson, B.H. Bailey; An interim flood control program for a combined sewered residential area, E.C. Pahlke, S.P. Mark. The following mini courses were presented: Prediction and control of urbanerosion and sedimentation, L.D. Meyer and M.A. Ports; Hydraulics of urban drainage systems, D.T.Y. Kao; Urban runoff hydrographis--Basic principles, C.T. Hann.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Symposium was also sponsored by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, American Geophysical Union and the Kentucky Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Corporate Authors:

    University of Kentucky, Lexington

    College of Engineering, 176 Raymond Building
    Lexington, KY  United States  40506
  • Publication Date: 1976-7-27

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; Photos; Tables;
  • Pagination: 386 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00163693
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: UKY BU111 Proceeding
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 7 1978 12:00AM