The significant increase in AC production rates during recent years has made it very difficult for an Inspector to stay abreast of the Contractor's operations. Also, the use of "Method" specifications for AC compaction not only requires a considerable amount of inspection effort but also discourages Contractor innovation. Because the adoption of an end-point AC compaction spceification would offer the possibility of alleviating both of these problems, this study was accomplished. In-situ AC densities were measured on three projects under actual field inspection conditions using a nuclear gage. One one of the projects, AC permeabilities were also measured. It was concluded that adoption of the 1975 method specification apparently resulted in higher AC densities than achieved under the 1973 specifications. It was also concluded that use of an end-point specification for AC density involving measurements at ten randomly selected locations per 48,000 square feet of paving would provide adequate quality assurance for a "lot" of this size. Because this approach would decrease inspection costs and permit more Contractor innovation, trial use of an end-point specification incorporating these findings on 6 to 10 contracts will be recommended.

  • Corporate Authors:

    California Department of Transportation

    Transportation Laboratory
    5900 Folsom Boulevard
    Sacramento, CA  United States  95819
  • Authors:
    • Cechetini, J A
    • Doty, R N
  • Publication Date: 1977-1

Media Info

  • Features: References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 17 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00163551
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: CADOTTL-3130-1-77-03Final Rpt.
  • Created Date: Oct 29 1977 12:00AM