As previously found in the UK, static visual acuity (glasses worn if required) showed virtually no deterioration with age. However, significant deteriorations with age were found for Threshold Angular Movement; this deterioration was particularly marked for brief exposures (0.3 sec) in a night-time situation. As generally found, simple visual reaction times in response to the onset of a light showed no increase with age. However, significant increases in decision times with age were found for a disc test stimulus increasing in size at a rapit rate (in a three-choice multiple rate situation). Using this data, together with those from Burg's driver vision study, it has been shown that for older age groups there are log-linear deteriorations with age for: a)daytime or night-time accident rates, b) static visual acuity (California data), c) dynamic visual acuity, d) the ratio dynamic/static acuity, e) threshold angular movement. The age breakpoints at which these relationships develop appear to be precisely defined but vary with the function concerned between the ages of 38 and 55. /Author/SRIS/

  • Corporate Authors:

    Int'l Congress on Vision and Road Safety, First

    Int'l Assn for Accident & Traffic Medicine, 119 Karlavagen
    S-115 26 Stockholm,   Sweden 
  • Authors:
    • HILLS, B
  • Publication Date: 1975

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00153867
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Safety Council Safety Research Info Serv
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 28 1977 12:00AM