The Japanese corporation Kabushiki Kaisha Hasegawa Haguruma, has devised and patented a vehicle jack which can be used, without physical effort, on the part of the driver, either to lift a car vertically for a routine wheel change, or to lift and shift it laterally - for instance, to free the wheels from a ditch (bp1 459 371). A reinforced bag of nylon has a one-way valve for the supply of gas under pressure. As the bag inflates it takes up a cylindrical shape similar to that of a small barrel. It is claimed that the gas under pressure can be supplied direct from the car exhaust by the use of a hose link provided as part of the jack kit. To change a wheel the deflated bag is placed under the chassis near the puncture, the hose link secured to the exhaust and the engine revved to inflate the bag and raise the car. A car with wheels stuck in a ditch is freed by placing the inflated bag under the centre of the car but with a fold in one side so that when the bag inflates it stands upright with a tilt to one side. The car wheels are thus lifted vertically clear of the ditch. The unstable bag then topples onto its side and rolls laterally, taking the car with it away from the ditch. /TRRL/
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Corporate Authors:
IPC Magazine Limited
King's Reach Tower, Stamford Street
London SE1 9LS, England - Publication Date: 1977-4-21
- English
Media Info
- Features: Figures;
- Pagination: p. 143
- Volume: 74
- Issue Number: 1048
- ISSN: 0262-4079
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automobiles; Bags; Equipment; Exhaust gases; Exhaust pipes; Gases; Jacks (Mechanical equipment); Lifting equipment; Motor vehicles; Nylon; Pressure; Vehicles
- Geographic Terms: Asia; Japan
- Old TRIS Terms: Inflatable devices; Jacks /automotive/; Lateral movement
- ITRD Terms: 1057: Air transport network; 8005: Asia; 1243: Car; 3674: Equipment; 1384: Exhaust pipe; 6734: Gas; 8053: Japan; 5158: Lifting; 5412: Pressure
- Subject Areas: Highways; Safety and Human Factors; Vehicles and Equipment; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00159715
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
- Report/Paper Numbers: Analytic
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 29 1978 12:00AM