Effects of nonstationary noise and signal propagation characteristics on communications within the Coastal Harbor Radiotelephone System are discussed. This system provides ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship radiotelephone service for the vessels operating within the coastal waters of the United States. Service is furnished on radio frequencies between 2 and 3 MHz with expected over-water coverage distances from about 30 to 300 miles. Before January 1, 1977, ship-to-shore transmissions were either double-sideband AM (A3) or single-sideband reduced-carrier (A3A). Transmission from shore-to-ship was single-sideband full-carrier (A3H) for detection by conventional AM receivers or single-sideband reduced-carrier (A3A) for detection by single-sideband receivers. After Jan 1, 1977, conversion to only single-sideband transmission has taken place. It is shown that daytime communications in the Coastal Harbor System is effectively limited to a distance of 400 miles. As a result of the nonstationary noise environment, the nighttime usable range is essentially limited to 200 miles.
Supplemental Notes:
- IEEE Vehicular Technological Group Annual Conference, 27th, Orlando, Florida, March 16-18 1977.
Corporate Authors:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY United States 10016-5997 -
- Halpern, S W
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1977
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 237-238
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Coasts; Communication systems; Noise; Ports; Radio; Radio signals; Radio stations; Radio telephone; Radio wave propagation; Transmission
- Old TRIS Terms: Coastal harbor radiotelephone; Coastal radio stations; Propagation effects; Radio transmission; Single sideband communications; Single-sideband transmission
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation; Operations and Traffic Management;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00158446
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Engineering Index
- Report/Paper Numbers: Conf. Rec.
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 31 1977 12:00AM