Pulse-scheduling or coordinated transfer service is a technique for providing convenient service and thus increasing ridership without requiring undue operational expenditures or major changes in existing facilities. This is a special form of fixed-route operation which minimizes time loss due to transferring and thereby maximizes service convenience. In pulse-scheduled operation all buses in a given network begin service at the same time and place, circulate on their respective routes and return to the starting or terminal point simultaneously. Such a service permits successive cycles of operation and maximizes coordination among services offered. A typical example of pulse-scheduling is presented. Steps to be taken in the establishment of a pulse-scheduled service are listed. Pulse-scheduling appears to be a viable alternative to costly dial-a-ride service to many commuities which cannot offer direct point-to-point service and are willing to accept coordinated transfers. Coordinated transferring would have great potential in: small communities, emerging suburban communities, urban subsystems, route deviation service, and point deviation service.

  • Corporate Authors:

    American Public Transit Association

    1225 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC  United States  20036
  • Authors:
    • Polin, L
    • Cherwony, W
  • Publication Date: 1977

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00157257
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 23 1981 12:00AM