It is noted in this discussion of the original paper, that an effective and versatile approach to establish undrained shear strength behavior with due consideration given to in-situ structural anisotropy, stress history, and mode of shearing is the utilizaiton of the so-colled Direct Simple Shear Anisotropy Tests (DSSAT). In these tests, an undisturbed simple shear specimen is cut as it is extruded from the sampling tude at the desired orientation from horizontal, reconsolidated to those in-situ normal and shear stresses associated with the alpha-l-plane, and then sheared either in the same direction or in the opposite direction of consolidation shear stresses. Thus, the full spectrum of undrained shear strength as a function of mode of shearing is obtained. The DSSAT data can be appropriately related to triaxial compression and extension data through the angle of rotation of principal planes during shear, where triaxial compression and extension tests constitute the extreme boundaries.

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00156164
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Proc. Paper 12431 Proceeding
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Feb 16 1978 12:00AM