An "Airport Economic Impact Study" technique which was pioneered with major airports serving air carriers is described. Depending upon enthusiasm and resources, a general aviation airport can adapt the idea. Basically, the study consists of a survey of all the individuals and businesses deriving an economic benefit from the airport, a compilation of their responses, and a publication of the results. Great care should go into preparing the list of those to be surveyed and the questions to be asked. Concepts to be kept in mind while constructing the study are the roles of an airport as an employer, a taxpayer, a purchaser of local goods and services, a lure to new industries, a benefit for current businesses, and a stimulus to travel. The basis for the list of those to be surveyed will include airport management, airport employees, airport users (home-based private and corporate operators, air taxis, commuter airlines, non-scheduled transient aircraft, airport-related businesses), local economic development organizations, U.S. Postal Service (for airmail figures), and others who receive or generate community revenue through the airport. Sample questions which may be asked are listed and discussed.

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    Lakewood Publications

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  • Accession Number: 00155726
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 31 1981 12:00AM