The increasing use of high tensile steel in new ship construction has created an interest in the corrosion resistance of these steels as compared to ordinary ships' steels. Three new steel types were selected for testing. These are C-MN fine grade steel, CU-NI-V alloyed steel and Cor-Ten steel. As a reference point, A-quality and E-quality standard ships' steels were included in the tests. Both welded and non-welded specimens were placed in a variety of corrosive environments for periods up to 822 days. The corrosion speed for the high tensile strength steels was about the same as for the tested reference materials of A and E quality. High strength C-MN ship steel, fine grained with niobium, can be welded with unalloyed basic electrodes OK 48.00 and OK 48.15 without the risk of extremely rapid corrosion of the weld even if the weld loses its paint protections. Semi-killed A-quality steel ought not to be welded with an unalloyed basic electrode if the weld will be without paint protection and exposed to sea water attack. The CU-NI alloyed basic type electrode OK 48-23 gives a corrosion-resistant joint in the high tensile strength steels and in the reference materials.

  • Corporate Authors:


    Box 8850, S-402 71
    Goteborg 8,   Sweden 
  • Authors:
    • Blackman, G
    • Leimalm, A
    • Lundin, S
  • Publication Date: 1971

Media Info

  • Pagination: p. 2-11
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00034775
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ESAB
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 29 1972 12:00AM