Schaller-Automation, of Mannheim, which has for some years co-operated with engine-builders and classification societies in the development of crankcase oil-mist detectors, has produced a new and unusually compact model, the Visatron VN 115. This detector monitors the opacity of air samples drawn continuously to a common header from several points in the crankcase, and makes use of the two phenomena: (i) the exponential increase of opacity with oil-mist concentration, and (ii) the rapid increase of opacity to saturation point in the event of bearing damage and consequent local hot-spots. The sample passes through a cyclone separator, and then through an optical/electronic measuring system that provides a signal which is amplified and compared with a set value; if opacity is excessive, an oil-mist alarm is tripped and a warning-light is displayed on the detector and/or on a remote control panel. The detector, which weighs 3.8 kg, may be installed directly on the engine (the makers believe that this is essential). The article gives further information on this new detector and its operating principles, and mentions that it has been type-approved by several major Classification Societies.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Whitehall Technical Press Limited

    29 Palace Street, Westminster
    London SW1,   England 
  • Publication Date: 1976-11

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00153045
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Ship Research Association
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 11 1977 12:00AM