Air transport in the 80's will be characterized by traffic volumes many times greater than those of today. In meeting this demand, the resolution of the economic and political aspects of the general problem will present greater difficulties than resolving the technical aspects. World airline passenger traffic should double by 1980 and increase six-fold by 1990. Scheduled air freight by 1980 will be 3.5 times, and by 1990 ten times, present volumes. Industrial countries will continue to predominate air passenger and freight traffic. Today's turbojet fleet of 4000 will expand to about 6000 by the early 80's and some aircraft may have over 1000 seats. Cargo capacity will increase proportionately. Congestion of airport runways, passenger and cargo terminals, inspection and ground transport facilities is expected to increase, as will demand for additional and improved airport systems.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • From Airports for the 80's. Proceedings of the 4th World Airport Conference, London, England, 3-5 April 1973.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Institution of Civil Engineers

    One Great George Street, Westminster
    London,   United Kingdom  SW1P 3AA
  • Authors:
  • Publication Date: 1973

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00155908
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: International Aerospace Abstracts
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Proceeding
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 28 1977 12:00AM