Multispectral remote sensing data were collected over the Virginia Test Site during the spring and fall of 1970 (April 7-8 and December 14-15). The Virginia Test Site is located in northwestern Virginia in Augusta County near the town of Stauton. Twelve miles in length, the flight line trends northwestward at right angles to the prominent structural trends of the Appalachian Mountain System. Soils consist of residual material formed by weathering of the parent bedrock. Local relief ranges from 100 to 600 feet and the elevation from 250 to 1950 feet above sea level. Presumably because of the relatively steep slopes in the area, a large percentage of the surface was covered either by forest or pasture growth with only a minor fraction used for row-crop production. Geologically, the Virginia site consists of folded Cambrian and Ordovician age sedimentary rocks with minor amounts of Quaternary alluvium, accumulated along the stream channels. The purpose of the research was to analyze multispectral data from the Virginia Test Site using the current capabilities of the LARS computer-assisted analyses techniques.
Supplemental Notes:
- See also PB-267 821. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E10, PB-267 819-SET.
Corporate Authors:
Purdue University
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing
Lafayette, Indiana, United States 47907Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Frederking, R L
- West, T R
- Stohr, C J
- Publication Date: 1974-11
Media Info
- Pagination: 119 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Channels (Waterways); Classification; Data collection; Digital computers; Geology; Highways; Imagery; Information processing; Infrared detectors; Mapping; Photogrammetry; Remote sensing; Rocks; Soils; Statistical analysis; Streams; Streets; Terrain; Topography
- Uncontrolled Terms: Digital techniques; Highway classification; Multispectral imagery; Stream channels
- Geographic Terms: Virginia
- Old TRIS Terms: Geology (Soils)
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Design; Geotechnology; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00158999
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA-RD-75- 15 Intrm Rpt., FCP 34E1-054
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FH-11-7565
- Created Date: Aug 15 1977 12:00AM