Residents living in close, middle and distant areas from JFK Airport were included in a field interview and laboratory study. Judgments were made of simulated aircraft noise exposures of comparable community indoor noise levels and mixes of aircraft. Each group of subjects judged the levels of noise typical for its distance area. Four different numbers of flyovers were tested: less than average for each area, the approximate average, the peak number, or worst day, and above peak number. The major findings are: (1) the reported integrated field annoyance is best related to the annoyance reported for the simulated approximate worst day exposure in the laboratory; (2) annoyance is generally less when there are fewer aircraft flyovers, and the subject has less fear of crashes and more favorable attitudes toward airplanes; (3) beliefs in harmful health effects and misfeasance by operators of aircraft are also highly correlated with fear and noise annoyance; (4) in direct retrospective comparisons of number of flights, noise levels and annoyance, subjects more often said the worst day laboratory exposured more like their usual home environments; and (5) subjects do not expect an annoyance-free environment. Half of the subjects can accept an annoyance level of 5 to 6 from a possible annoyance range of 0 to 9, 28% can live with an annoyance intensity of 7, and only 5% can accept the top scores of 8 to 9.
Corporate Authors:
Columbia University
Noise Research Unit
New York, NY United States 10027 -
- Borsky, P N
- Publication Date: 1977-2
Media Info
- Pagination: 73 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Acoustics; Aircraft noise; Annoyance; Environment; Environmental impacts; Human factors; Laboratory tests; Noise; Overpasses; Psychological aspects; Simulation; Tolerance (Physiology); Tolerance (Psychology)
- Identifier Terms: John F. Kennedy International Airport
- Old TRIS Terms: Human tolerances; Noise exposure; Noise tolerance; Psychoacoustics
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Environment; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00158626
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: NASA-CR-2772
- Contract Numbers: NSG-1164
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 31 1978 12:00AM