The concept of fracture toughness is introduced. The factors that determine the toughness levels of structural steels are discussed in terms of strength and temperature transitions, strain rate dependence, and mechanical constraint. Test procedures for measuring toughness are highlighted, beginning with linear-elastic fracture mechanics and including such engineering tests as the Charpy-V, Dynamic Tear, and Drop-Weight NDT tests. However, advanced research topics involving elastic-plastic toughness, such as the J-integral, are beyond the scope of the discussion. Finally, the applicability of the various test procedures to analysis of structural integrity is discussed. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
Washington, DC United States 20375-5320 -
- Loss, F J
- Publication Date: 1977-3-31
Media Info
- Pagination: 37 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crash tests; Drop tests; Ductility tests; Dynamic tests; Fracture mechanics; Fracture properties; Steel; Strain (Mechanics); Strength of materials; Structural analysis; Tear strength; Tearing; Test procedures; Transition point
- Uncontrolled Terms: Strain rate
- Old TRIS Terms: Charpy tests; Dynamic tear test; Strength analysis
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials; Research;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00158538
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: NRL-8085 Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: AT(49-24)-0207
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 31 1977 12:00AM