This study provides a comparison of the technical success of a number of local area traffic management treatments and the perceived success of the said treatment by the local community. It compares studies previously undertaken in Australia with more recent assessments in California and Australia, which are presented as two case studies in which the community acceptance of the traffic control treatments are discussed. A comparison between the technical results of these studies is made, together with an assessment of the community consultation method and results. In order to achieve improved amenity in terms of improved traffic conditions, an effective traffic control treatment is required. In order to be accepted, such a treatment will need to achieve the aims of the community and meet their expectations. This paper analyses this requirement and a link is made between the perceived effectiveness of the traffic plans and the acceptance of these plans by the community. The results of the case studies show that the perceived effectiveness of the traffic control treatments and the technical success of the devices do not necessarily correspond. The paper concludes by making a comparison between the acceptance of the treatments in each case study and provides an observation in respect to the level of information received by the residents prior to participating in the consultation. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see IRRD abstract no. 492019.
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Corporate Authors:
Melbourne, Victoria Australia -
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1998
- English
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: 100-16 (SESSION B)
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Attitudes; Conferences; Management; Perception; Public participation; Residential areas; Roundabouts; Traffic; Traffic control
- Geographic Terms: Australia; United States
- ITRD Terms: 155: Administration; 2267: Attitude (psychol); 8006: Australia; 8525: Conference; 2229: Perception; 142: Public participation; 307: Residential area; 438: Roundabout; 755: Traffic; 654: Traffic control; 8122: USA
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Safety and Human Factors; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00769988
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 0-86910-783-6
- Files: ITRD, ATRI
- Created Date: Oct 7 1999 12:00AM