Traffic engineers responsible for signal timing design do not currently use full capabilities of traffic controller software. Current coordination techniques do not incorporate signal timing optimization tools. The main reason for not utilizing optimization tools is the difference in format of signal timing software output and controller input. Even with optimization software, coordinated signal design for multiple intersections is complex; additional parameters must be specified and entered into controllers. Optimization software does not have capabilities to compute these additional parameters such as the permissive periods and force offs. A traffic controller interface tool was developed at the University of Idaho, National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology as a tool for traffic engineers to enable use of optimization software for signal timings and coordination. The controller interface can import optimization software output and will prompt engineers for input of design options for additional parameters needed for complete signal timing design acceptable by the controllers. Results from using the controller interface indicate that it effectively converts optimized timing into the format of signal controllers and helps engineers design a complete signal routine for isolated and coordinated intersections. Some limitations can be overcome with additional manual computations. Overcoming these limitations simply adds complexities too vast to incorporate into the product at this stage.
Supplemental Notes:
- Conference proceedings available on CD-ROM.
Corporate Authors:
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Washington, DC United States -
- Khatib, Z K
- Coffelt, P B
- Transportation Frontiers for the Next Millennium: 69th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers
- Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Date: 1999-8-1 to 1999-8-4
- Publication Date: 1999
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 19p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Computer aided design; Design; Green interval (Traffic signal cycle); Interfaces; Optimization; Signalized intersections; Software; Traffic engineering; Traffic signal controllers; Traffic signal timing
- Subject Areas: Design; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; I73: Traffic Control;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00770326
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: Publication No. CD-006
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 25 1999 12:00AM