Several general transport trends have been observed in Poland dur recent years. The number of cars owned by household has grown significantly, leading to increases in air pollution and road accidents. Rail passenger and freight traffic and the total lengt railway lines in use have declined. The modal share of public transport has been falling, especially in rural areas. Transport investment has been mainly on large projects. This paper presents studies by the Polish Institute for Sustainable Development on alternative transport policy in Poland based on sustainable development criteria. It gives details of the following four opti for transport policy: (1) the government option with a full motor construction programme, closing unprofitable railway lines, freed for cars in cities, rather unattractive public transport, and lac interest in bicycles and pedestrians; (2) the restrained governme option, like (1) but with less motorway building and more attract public transport; (3) the pro-environmental option, with no motorw construction, broad railway development, car restrictions in citi varied urban public transport, and support of pedestrian and bicy traffic; and (4) the sustainable development option, like (3) but with even more urban public transport, cycling and walking. For covering abstract see IRRD E101781.


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: p. 167-80

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00768698
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • ISBN: 0-86050-31
  • Files: ITRD,
  • Created Date: Sep 10 2001 12:00AM