The objective of this research is to evaluate interventions that promote the use of the rear seat among children riding in motor vehicles. The authors searched electronic databases and reference lists of past reviews and review articles. Six studies met the selection criteria. Changes in the proportion of observed children traveling in the rear seats before and after the implementation of the intervention were the main outcome of interest. Two studies evaluating the effectiveness of educational campaigns promoting the use of the rear seat found increases in the proportion of children riding in the rear seats, but only in one study were the increases statistically significant (from 86% to 91%). The four remaining studies reported changes in seating location as a side effect of legislation requiring child restraint use among children traveling in the front seats. In two of these four studies, the percentage of children riding in the rear seats significantly increased from 49% to 62% and from 88% to 98%. In the remaining two studies there were small, but not statistically significant, changes in the proportion of children riding in the rear seats, with percentages remaining around 60% and 85%. It is concluded that interventions aimed at promoting the use of rear seats by children traveling in motor vehicles have been rare. Only one educational program whose only objective was to promote rear seating location was found and this 1973 Danish study had a positive impact. The other educational campaign, a pilot program that also focused on improving child restraint use, had no significant impact in promoting seating of children in the rear. The author did not find any evaluation of legislation prohibiting children to sit in the front seats. Legislation requiring proper child restraint use in the front seats (and thus, compelling unrestrained children to sit in the rear) had produced, for the most part, a nonsignificant increase in the proportions of children sitting in the rear.

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Oxford University Press

    Journals Subscription Department, 2001 Evans Road
    Cary, NC  United States  27513
  • Authors:
    • Segui-Gomez, M
  • Publication Date: 1999-1


  • English

Media Info

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00764865
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Supplement
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jun 16 1999 12:00AM