The study is made up of four chapters and three appendices. The first chapter analyses the economic framework for energy-saving measures, examining the relationship between energy use and economic growth, identifying the major energy-saving industrial branches and products and reviewing past trends in energy prices relative to those of other products. At the end of the first chapter flow charts and diagrams (prepared on the basis of secretariat estimates) are presented showing for Europe as a whole, for eastern Europe and for western Europe the amounts of energy lost in the conversion, transport and use of energy. A similar chart for the United States based on unofficial estimates published in that country is also presented. The second chapter examines specific possibilities for increasing efficiency and economy, and presents estimates of potential and practically attainable savings in the various stages of the energy process - extraction, conversion, transport and use; it concludes with a broad estimate of the over-all savings which might be attainable during the period up to 1990 if the appropriate measures are taken in time. The third chapter presents information (as of 1 December 1975) on governmental measures intended to achieve energy savings which have been taken or are planned in ece countries. The fourth chapter formulates some general conclusions based on the preceding information and analyses and indicates possible lines for further co-operation in the ece framework aimed at helping governments cope with the problem of increasing energy efficiency and economy. Appendix I contains methodological data relevant particularly to the analysis contained in the first chapter. Appendix II contains a brief survey of relevant work undertaken or projected in other international bodies. Appendix III contains a synoptic presentation of the projects relating to energy saving already included in the programmes of work and priorities of ece's principal subsidiary bodies.(a) /TRRL/

  • Corporate Authors:

    United Nations

    Economic Commission for Europe
    Palais des Nations
    CH-1211 Geneva 10,   Switzerland 
  • Publication Date: 1976


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 107 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00157378
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
  • Report/Paper Numbers: E/ECE/883/Rev.1 Monograph
  • Files: ITRD, TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 13 1977 12:00AM