Sperry Rand is now entering the final development and manufacturing phases of an advanced collision avoidance system. The new system combines the best features of earlier systems, the Integrated Navigation Collision Avoidance System (INCAS) and the Maneuver Analysis and Predictor System (MAPS). These earlier systems have undergone extensive sea trails: INCAS aboard the tanker "Esso Baton Rouge", MAPS aboard the Gulf Tanker "Gulfpride". Both systems demonstrated the advantages of using the concepts of point-of-possible collision (PPC) and the predicted-area-of-danger (PAD) in collision avoidance. The advanced collision avoidance system will use the PPC and PAD concepts and will superimpose synthetic PAD symbols into a 16-inch daylight-view radar PPI display. Thus, normal radar usage is not compromised. Some other advantages are: Trial headings are not required. Safe and legal maneuvers are immediately apparent. Maneuver planning does not require interpretation of alphanumerics. An expandable general purpose digital computer can perform other functions. A brief discussion of the theory of the PPC and PAD are presented and compared with other concepts, such as the closest-point-of-approach. Photographs of the new display are presented and interpreted. System expansion to include navigation functions are included. The display of navigation data and subsurface bottom hazards on the collision avoidance display is illustrated and discussed.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Presented at the April 24-26th 1972 New Orleans RTCM Assembly Meeting. Volume 1-Papers AA and A thru F-Marine Traffic Systems, Volume 2-Papers G thru L-Safe Ship Operations, Volume 3-Papers M thru Q-Maritime Satellite Systems, Volume 4-Papers R thru Z-Trends in Maritime Communications. SOLD ONLY AS A COMPLETE FOUR VOLUME SET $10.00 PER SET.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services

    P.O. Box 19087
    Washington, DC  United States  20036
  • Authors:
    • Tiblin, B V
  • Publication Date: 1972-4-24

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00033712
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 15 1972 12:00AM