The Enlarged European Common Market will dominate the world in terms of ownership of liner tonnage, but in the tramp sector Japan, the bigger EEC, Greece and Cyprus, the Socialist countries and flags of convenience are more evenly balanced. The U.S. fares badly. The facts are detailed in a report, to be published within a month, by the Maritime Research Centre of The Hague in the Netherlands. For the first time a detailed analysis has been made of the world's liner and tramp trades, and this includes a look at over 60 ocean routes--at the size of the ships using them, their ages, their ownership. The report complements many works already produced on more easily accessible maritime sectors, such as oil tankers, containerships and combined carriers. Apart from the Common Market's strength in this sector, other significant movements may be discerned in the analyses presented by the Netherlands study group, more familiarly known as the Stichting Maritieme Research. The Japanese weight in the liner and tramp trades, the decline of the U.S. and the resurgence of the Soviet Union, the importance of the flags of convenience, and of such countries as the U.K., Greece and W. Germany may all be discerned here. Growth and age patterns also become apparent. But perhaps one of the most important jobs done by the report is to look at certain trade routes as they were being serviced in the middle of last year, and compare them with each other on an age/size/ownership basis: cargo reservation practices, the strength of cross-traders, and possibilities for commercial opportunities may be suggested here. MRC, in fact, has not published all its information in the report, and is more than willing to pursue a theme on behalf of any maritime interest.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Stichting Maritime Research

    ,   Netherlands 
  • Publication Date: 1972-4

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00032677
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Seatrade Publications Limited
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 28 1973 12:00AM