There are fifty-two ports around the world which are capable of handling bulk tankers and carriers greater than 150,000 dwt. The United States has no such ports. If the United States is to remain competitive with the rest of the world, then deepwater port facilities must be provided so that our industries receive the most competitively priced raw materials. The ideal location for an East Coast deepwater port would be within the lower Delaware Bay. At this location a deepwater transhipment terminal capable of handling shipping to 90' in draft should be built. This transhipment terminal would be connected to the mainland by a causeway and it would be a distribution center for the imports of oil and iron ore and exports of coal and grain. The products would be distributed from this transhipment terminal by pipelines, conveyor belt systems, oceangoing barges and fast unit trains. This transhipment terminal is vital for the protection of the heavy concentration of industry which presently exists in the Greater Delaware Valley. These would be the steel, oil, shipbuilding, building materials and chemical industries. In addition, a transhipment terminal within the lower Delaware Bay would serve our national interest by enabling our inland steel producing states, our coal producing states, our grainary states to remain more competitive because of the transportation economies of large bulk carriers. A deepwater transhipment terminal within the lower Delaware Bay would add substantially to the economic and the environmental quality of the entire Delaware River Basin.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Delaware River Port Authority

  • Publication Date: 1972-5-30

Media Info

  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: 35 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00035244
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Delaware River Port Authority
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 27 1973 12:00AM