The Articulated Total Body (ATB) computer program, sometimes referred to as the Crash Victim Simulator (CVS), is a powerful aid in studying occupant kinematics in motor vehicle collisions. There are many options available within the ATB/CVS model and associated utility programs, such as GEBOD, which allow analyst to model specific collisions and occupants. This paper discusses ATB/CVS as a tool for use in collision reconstruction. Specific examples are presented in developing a crash pulse from vehicle simulation programs such as EDSMAC, SMAC, HVOSM, etc. Techniques are also presented for modelling other moveable objects within the occupant environment, such as a seat back, steering column, or intrusion into the occupant compartment. A series of programs to aid in setting up an ATB data file, the CAL-3D Users Convenience Package is also discussed. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 882390.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00729363
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Institute for Road Safety Research, SWOV
  • ISBN: 1-56091-633-8
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 950131
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 26 1996 12:00AM